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blind_night 全球看点

发布时间:2023-02-27 19:58:57 来源:互联网



对除流儿和务华层厂土事对除流儿和务华层厂土事【题文】One dark night, two blind(盲的) men were going home from work. "I need to buy some socks," said one of them suddenly, "Let"s stop at the shop on the street." "OK," said the other, "I think I"ll buy two or three pairs for myself, too." They went to the shop.对除流儿和务华层厂土事对除流儿和务华层厂土事"What size do you wear, sir? And what colour would you like?" asked the girl in the shop.对除流儿和务华层厂土事对除流儿和务华层厂土事"Size eleven. Give me one pair of black socks and two pairs of white, please," answered one of them. "And you, sir?" the girl asked the other man. "The same for me. I wear size eleven, too. So, the same colour and the same number," said the other man.对除流儿和务华层厂土事对除流儿和务华层厂土事A moment later they were in the dark street. Each man took the socks he had bought. But just then, a boy riding a bicycle bumped(撞) into them. The blind men dropped(掉) all the socks on the ground! All the six pairs of socks mixed up. The boy quickly said sorry and left. The two blind men picked up all the socks, but they could not tell black from white. How could they be sure that they each got one pair of black socks and two pairs of white socks? They tried to ask for help, but there was no one else in the street. What could they do?对除流儿和务华层厂土事对除流儿和务华层厂土事Soon one of them had an idea. Can you guess what it was? They separated(分开) each pair of socks and both took one sock from each pair. When they got home, each of them had two black socks and four white ones of the same size—just what they wanted. Weren"t they clever?对除流儿和务华层厂土事根据短文内容,完成下列小题。对除流儿和务华层厂土事【小题1】Did two blind men buy any socks on their way home?对除流儿和务华层厂土事________________________________________________________对除流儿和务华层厂土事【小题2】What did each of the blind men want to buy?对除流儿和务华层厂土事______________________________________________________________对除流儿和务华层厂土事【小题3】Who bumped into them after they came out of the shop?对除流儿和务华层厂土事________________________________________________________________对除流儿和务华层厂土事【小题4】Someone helped them. Do you think so?对除流儿和务华层厂土事________________________________________________________________对除流儿和务华层厂土事【小题5】What should be the title of the passage?对除流儿和务华层厂土事______________________________________________________________对除流儿和务华层厂土事


议广活构安【答案】议广活构安【小题1】Yes, they did.议广活构安【小题2】Two pairs of white socks an d one pair of black ones.议广活构安【小题3】A boy on a bicycle.议广活构安【小题4】No, I don’t think so.议广活构安【小题5】Two clever blind men.议广活构安


织使史局眼断传起来【解析】织使史局眼断传起来【分析】织使史局眼断传起来试题分析:本文讲述的是两位盲人买袜子的故事:很黑的晚上,两位盲人各自买了11码的一双黑袜子和两双白袜子走在街上,一个小男孩骑车撞向他们,把他们的袜子弄掉在地上。捡起袜子后两位分不清黑白了,怎么办呢?他们找路人帮忙,可是路上没有人。最后他们把每双袜子拆开,每人每双袜子里拿一只袜子,回家后他们每人都有一样大的两只黑袜子和四只白袜子。他们真聪明!织使史局眼断传起来【小题1】Yes, they did. 题意:两位盲人在回家路上买袜子了吗?根据短文内容,他们买了。故作肯定回答:Yes, they did.织使史局眼断传起来【小题2】Two pairs of white socks and one pair of black ones. 题意:每一位盲人买了什么?由文中第一位盲人说的:Give me one pair of black socks and two pairs of white, please.(请给我一双黑袜子和两双白袜子)和第二位盲人说的: The same for me.(我也一样)可知两人都买了一双黑袜子和两双白袜子。故回答:Two pairs of white socks and one pair of black ones.织使史局眼断传起来【小题3】A boy on a bicycle. 题意:当他们从店里出来后,谁撞上了他们?由短文倒数第二段开头的句子可知,是一位骑着单车的小男孩撞了他们。故回答:A boy on a bicycle.织使史局眼断传起来【小题4】No, I don’t think so. 题意:有人帮助他们了,你这样认为吗?由短文中的:They tried to ask for help, but there was no one else in the street. (他们尽力寻求帮助,但是街上没有人。)可知没有人帮助他们。故可以回答:No, I don’t think so.织使史局眼断传起来【小题5】Two clever blind men. 题意:短文最好的标题应该是什么?短文主要讲述的是没有人帮忙的情况下,两位盲人把两双黑袜子和四双白袜子平分成一个一双黑袜子和两双白袜子的故事,从中可以看出这两位盲人的聪明。故可以:Two clever blind men.(两位聪明的盲人)为题。织使史局眼断传起来考点:考查故事类短文阅读。织使史局眼断传起来

